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    5 Ways Inbound Marketers Should Enjoy The Holidays


    This time of year is so much fun - there's parties, shopping and baking.. oh my!

    Just keeping up with all the tasks to do before the holidays is hard enough, without having to plan the new year. So here's my tips on how inbound marketers should be enjoying the holidays to be fully recharged and ready for 2012.


    1. Relax - The year is full of 'to do' lists, planning and doing. It's exhausting and often we get burned out. Take this time to fully enjoy the Holiday's with family and friends, take some time off from work and recharge those brain cells - you'll need to be firing on all cyclinders in 2012 to achieve your marketing goals.
    2. Eaves Drop - Pay attention to what's happening around you. Conversations, people's reactions, advertising. Take this time to do some market research to identify how people spend their time, what they talk about, how they make buying decisions. Do they still believe marketing and advertising, or are they asking their friends? What do you personally respond to and why?
    3. Take Notes - Make sure you document what you learn so when you return to the office you can refer to them for inspiration for your 2012 strategies. 
    4. Be a Kid - The holidays are a time for magic and believing - capitalize on this time to get your creative juices flowing. Think like a kid, think out of the box and get creative with your strategies for 2012. Don't be afraid to push the boundaries and stand out.
    5. Enjoy - You are at your best when you are happy. So take this time to thoroughly enjoy the holidays, your friends and family.

    Happy Holidays to you and your family. I sincerely wish you a very safe and enjoyable Holiday Season and every success for 2012.



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