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    5 Must Read Inbound Marketing ebooks from @Hubspot


    As the festive season draws closer so does the end of another year. As you sip on your eggnog dusted with nutmeg or sing Christmas carols on your way to work (or am I the only one who does that?) the end of year also means a new beginning. A chance to reset goals and start with a clean slate. So as you review your achievements for 2011 and set goals for 2012 - Do you know what you need to do? 

    As a starting point for direction and inspiration you should check out these quick reads from Hubspot. Each ebook  book covers an integral part of any marketing mix; learn how to reach your market on the web, how to turn your traffic into leads and how to analyze your results to increase your leads and customers.


    1. Beyond the Facebook Business Page: How To Generate Traffic and Leads with Facebook

    2. In Introduction To Lead Nurturing

    3. An Introduction To Inbound Marketing Analytics

    4. An Introduction to Business Blogging

    5. An Introduction To Effective Calls To Action


    And if you're wondering how to pull all this together sign up for the free Inbound Marketing Coach: 15 Day Quick Start To Inbound Marketing starting in 2012.


    Happy Inbound Marketing Planning...


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