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    5 Ways Small Business Can Succeed At Email Marketing


    Do you receive too many emails a day? I bet there are some you look forward to getting, some you open and read, and others you scan or just delete without opening.

    Think about the emails you do open and read – why? Is it because you know the sender or maybe the title looks interesting?

    Here’s my approach to Email Marketing you may find helpful. Start by identifying your target audience, their pain points, their values and what’s important to them. Then, identify the purpose of your email and how it fits into the bigger picture of generating leads and customers for your business. The next step is to write copy and create offers that will be of benefit to both your business and your prospects.

    And here’s my 5 ways to succeed at email marketing:

    1. Touch Points after a prospect has converted at the top of the funnel it’s important to keep in regular contact with your prospects so that it’s you they think of when they’re ready to buy. It’s not just enough to be sending emails for the sake of reminding your prospects about your company. You want to be adding value, building rapport and trust.
    2. Build Authority and Trust if someone is going to buy a product or service from you they want to know you can deliver, they want that reassurance that you are trustworthy.  When sending emails to your leads continue to provide solutions to their problems, share case studies and links to industry updates. This all helps with building authority and trust in your prospect’s mind, and positioning yourself ahead of the competition.
    3. Cross Promotion carefully choose other offers that would be of value to your leads and promote those in your emails. Repeat leads are more likely to buy.
    4. Customer Conversion you don’t want to miss a conversion opportunity so be sure to always include a bottom of the funnel offer. Include email and telephone numbers for your sales team with a Call to Action so your readers know what to do if they want pricing or are ready to buy.
    5. Referrals after your leads have converted to a customer it’s important to keep in touch with them. Whether they are likely to buy again or not, chances are they mix with other people who would also be interested in your product or service. A happy customer makes a great sales person, so make it easy for them to share and talk about your company. Make sure your content is sharable by including social media share options. Don’t be afraid to ask your customers to take the action you’d like them to take eg:  let your friends know about this great offer,  invite your friends to this webinar.

    Do you have anything add to this list? Or do you have some questions? Please share them in the comment section below – we respond to all comments.

    inbound marketing ebookFor companies who are serious about increasing leads and conversions!

    This ebook is a practical guide to the steps you need to take to attract the 'right' visitors to your website and how to convert them into leads and customers.


    Read The Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Articles Here:

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing: Blog Series Launch

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part 1: Research

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part 2: Making the Decision

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part 3: The Action Plan

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part4: Goals and Strategies

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part5: 10 Ways To Find The Right Keywords

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part6: SEO For Traffic and Leads 

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part 7: How Lead Nurturing Helps Sales


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