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    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing #7: How Lead Nurturing Helps Sales


    In case you're wondering, who Izzy is - Izzy represents a business owner or marketer - someone just like you.  Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing is a series of blog articles that follows the steps of an inbound marketing plan.

    In previous blog articles Izzy worked out his keywords, set up his on-page SEO, uploaded his web pages, created a lead generation offer, and designed a landing page designed to convert his website visitors to leads.

    Now he wants to know what to do with his leads, how does he convert them into customers?

    In today’s article we’re going to explore how lead nurturing fits into your sales conversion process.

    Typically there are two types of visitors to your site;

    1. Prospects doing research – not ready to buy.
    2. Prospects ready to buy.

    For the prospects doing research you want to develop a lead generating offer to pull them into your funnel so that you can nurture them until they're sales ready.  

    The purpose of lead nurturing is to continue building a relationship with the leads that you pull into the top of your funnel. The Hubspot Lead Nurturing Tool allows you to easily set up a series of automated emails that follow after a visitor converts to a lead. A lead is someone who has filled out a form on your website. They have shown some interest in your product or service and have provided their own personal information in return.

    Do you find yourself wondering what to write in each of your lead nurturing emails?

    Here are some ideas:

    1. First, thank them for showing an interest in your company.  If they downloaded something, make sure they were able to download it without any problems.  Give them the opportunity to give you some feedback, did they get value what did they think. Ask them to connect with you on social sites and share their thoughts. The purpose of this email is a touch point to say thank you, and start building a relationship.
    2. Next, think like your prospects, what additional information do they want or need from your company that would be of value. Have you produced another How To Guide, ebook or whitepaper that would also be valuable? Provide this without having them complete another form.  The purpose of this email to start building rapport and reputation as someone trustworthy and knowledgeable.
    3. On this third email introduce them to your blog. Share a recent, relevant article you wrote that would be of interest to them. Mention the purpose of the blog and ask them to subscribe.
    4. On this forth email I like to start introducing them to my sales process. So what is yours? A webinar, webcast, consultation, open day? Invite them to attend, and don’t forget to mention the value it brings to them.
    5. Finally,  you want to offer them something that will compel them to convert. Do you have a special promotion, special pricing, discount? Offer something for a very short period of time to create urgency and a quick response. Don't forget to include your Call To Action CTA - so they know what to do.

    Do you have any questions, tips or comments you’d like to share? I’d love to hear them so please comment in the section below.


    Next Issue:  Learn the value of Email Marketing in your sales process.

    Don’t miss out – subscribe today! The form is to your right.

    Read The Previous Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Articles Here:

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing: Blog Series Launch

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part 1: Research

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part 2: Making the Decision

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part 3: The Action Plan

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part4: Goals and Strategies

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part5: 10 Ways To Find The Right Keywords

    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part: SEO For Traffic and Leads 

    inbound marketing ebookFor companies who are serious about increasing leads and conversions!

    This ebook is a practical guide to the steps you need to take to attract the 'right' visitors to your website and how to convert them into leads and customers.


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