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    How To Build Reach Inbound Marketing Style For Lead Generation



    To a traditional marketer reach means the audience who will hear their radio ad, see their TV ad or read their print ad. Another way to increase reach was to buy lists for direct mail and telemarketing. 

    Whilst this still works for some products and brands, the reality is that this style of marketing is becoming less and less effective, making it a very expensive form of marketing with poor return.

    So how should marketers today build their reach?

    The purpose of this article is to share some ways marketers can build reach with their target audience - using permission based Inbound Marketing tactics for lead generation.


    • Use Twitter’s advanced feature -, then choose 'advanced' - to find the right people to follow. You can find people by; keyword or geographic location.
    • Check other Twitter profiles that also target the same people that you do, view their followers and start following people/companies you would like to follow you.
    • Use the Who to Follow feature on
    • Most people that you follow will follow you back – so this is the best place to start.
    • Make sure you have your Twitter handle and direct link to your Twitter profile everywhere; all printed material, website, blog, email signature, social media profiles, pdf documents and presentations.
    • Tip: if you’re new to Twitter make sure you have a mix of updated, relevant and interesting Tweets so that when people visit your Twitter profile to decide whether to follow you or not they know what to expect.


    • Search on by people or company – this search option is on the top right, and has an advanced feature so you can better target who you want to connect to.
    • Join relevant groups, and send invites to connect to other group members.
    • Visit some of your connections’ profiles and view their connections.
    • Make sure you have your LinkedIn url or link to profile everywhere; all printed material, website, blog, email signature, social media profiles, pdf documents and presentations.
    • Tip: Remember when sending invites to people especially if you don’t share a group or other connection option, take the time to write a personalized invitation about why you think it’s a good idea you both connect.


    • I have found local LinkedIn groups a great way to network as many of them have local meet ups – take the time to search these groups out, connect and attend a meet up.
    • Chambers: If you haven’t already, join your local Chamber of Commerce, and plug in. Don’t just wait for the Chamber to do all the work – join sub committee groups, offer to give presentations free of charge – do whatever you can do to get your name out there. 
    • Industry and marketing groups: There are many of these on LinkedIn and locally that meet up – take the time to search them out by searching for your industry keywords in Google and LinkedIn.
    • Tip: Make a point of getting everyone’s business card, or digital contact information and spend 1 hour after the event to connect with all these people on social media, and add them to a segmented list for a follow up email.

    Next steps after building reach with your target audience are:

    1.    Engagement
    2.    Building trust and authority
    3.    Promotion
    4.    Lead generation

    These are all topics for future blog articles. If you have any comments to add to this article please take the time to share in the comment section below.

    To learn more about the value of Inbound Marketing read these articles:

    Guide to Creating an Inbound Marketing Plan

    Inbound Marketing Action Plan

    How To Do Inbound Marketing On A Tight Budget


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