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    Izzy Learns Inbound Marketing Part 1: Research

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    In the last blog article, Izzy learnt about Inbound Marketing and how it is about having a strategic presence so your prospects can find you. With more and more people doing research on the web and buying online, having a website that prospects can find is going to be key to marketing in 2011.

    Izzy started to think, having the website is one thing, but the challenges are going to be:

    1. How will my prospects find the website?
    2. How can I keep them on my website?
    3. How can I track my prospects, they are possible leads and I need to know who they are?

    Izzy starts researching the different options for Inbound Marketing. He is impressed when he learns that one of the leading software companies reported a 98% client retention rate, with customers seeing a significant increase in website traffic and leads. Reviewing their customer Case Studies helped Izzy make up his mind. The Hubspot integrated inbound marketing system was definitely the right choice for him.  Not only will he be able to track what’s driving traffic and conversions through their closed looped marketing system, he’ll be able to upload content and blogs himself. All without the added expense of an IT professional, or having  IT coding knowledge. Hubspot’s range of tools meant he could manage all the key aspects of effective inbound marketing like:

    1. Choosing the right keywords
    2. Setting up his own on-page SEO
    3. Competitor analysis
    4. Monitoring key conversions on social media
    5. Blogging and optimizing
    6. Creating landing pages and conversions forms
    7. Email marketing
    8. Lead nurturing
    9. Lead intelligence
    10. Closed loop analytics

    And the best thing about all of this, is that it has been designed for people just like Izzy – marketers and business owners who aren’t tech savvy. As technology continues to evolve Hubspot evolves too, meaning Izzy can rely on Hubspot to keep him up to date with the latest tools for marketing his business on the web.

    Izzy could hardly wait to sign up and get his website live.

    Subscribe to this blog to receive the updates on Izzy’s journey to learn Inbound Marketing so he can achieve his sales targets for 2011.



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