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    Stop Losing Leads! Learn my 4 C's for Website Marketing Success

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    I spent some time this week researching ideas for my husband’s 40th, and the majority of the sites I visited did not deliver the information I was looking for – so I left!

    If their Marketing or Sales Manager knew that there was a warm lead on their site and they lost the business because I couldn’t find what I was looking for, or had no idea what to do next I wonder if they would change their website.

    So here are my 4 C’s for Website Marketing success, to help you get it right and not lose those leads you've worked so hard to get onto your website:

    1. Concise Information I don’t have a lot of time, I scan so just tell me the important stuff. Give visitors the option to drill down for more information by linking to another page or download a document, but don't try to put everything on the page the important information gets lost.
    2. Cost I  want to know the price so tell me or I’m leaving your site and going to your competitors'. Don’t think by having visitors fill out an inquiry form you’ll capture more leads because you don’t have a price up. Or that you’re giving something away to your competitors. The reality is you’re losing possible sales because if searchers can’t find the information (price) they’ll leave the site. If the price is wrong then they weren’t a good lead anyway.
    3. Clarity If your webpage is too confusing I'm onto the next one. Too much information, too many images or offers are confusing and if your visitors can’t find what they’re looking for in 5 seconds they’re onto the next site.
    4. Conversion Hey Im interested – what do I do now? If your visitors have a question, want a quote or are ready to buy make sure they know what to do next. Simple Calls To Action that pop on the page.

    Note: I realize every industry is different and there may be certain circumstances where price isn’t appropriate – every rule has an exception!

    Have I missed anything?  

    What is your experience when you search online? Are you generally happy, finding what you’re looking for, or frustrated?

    inbound marketing ebookFor companies who are serious about increasing leads and conversions!

    This ebook is a practical guide to the steps you need to take to attract the 'right' visitors to your website and how to convert them into leads and customers.



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