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    3 Steps To Planning Your Inbound Marketing Conversion Tactics

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    If you fail to plan, you plan to fail and old adage but an important one that is being lost with today’s technology.

    With the introduction of the internet and social media people seem to be jumping onto both of these marketing channels with very little thought and planning.

    I have a 3 step approach to developing inbound marketing strategies and tactics using the sales funnel as my map:

    1. The top of the funnel: these are prospects that are researching your industry for generic information. They are searching for answers to a problem or a need without any focus on a particular brand or company.
    2. The middle of the funnel: these are warm prospects, maybe leads, that are aware of your company or brand and want to learn more about you, your brand or your service.
    3. The bottom of the funnel: these are prospects, or leads that are hot! They are ready to talk to a sales person.

    Now with this in mind, we can start to develop inbound marketing tactics that are designed to convert prospects, at each stage of the funnel, into leads. And with a well thought out lead nurturing campaign, move your leads down the sales funnel so they are sales ready.

    Inbound marketing tactics that work are; How To Guides, Tools to try or test your product, Case Studies, Reports, ebooks  that provide the extra information that prospects are looking for. They should provide answers to their questions and offer enough value to the prospect, that they are prepared to share their email address.

    Example: Local Gym

    Top of the funnel: An ebook:  The Daily 15 Minute – ‘At Home’ Exercise Guide: No equipment Necessary

    Mid funnel: Tool or test:  Try out the XX Fitness tool to discover a healthy daily meal planner that fits in with your lifestyle or Learn the best exercise and workout routine for you, to achieve your goals, that fits in with your lifestyle.

    Bottom funnel: Personal email to a FREE open day, Coupon , Free consult with a personal trainer.

    The importance to the marketer here is that you now have the contact information of someone who was on your site and is interested in what you do. Because they gave you their information they have indicated their interest in your company. It is okay to offer them additional information that may be of value to them.

    In my next blog, which I'll publish next week, I’ll explain in more detail about: Inbound Marketing Tactics For Lead Nurturing Success

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